Drumming workshop at Singapore F1 Grand Prix

Published on 28 Apr 2010 by Gerry Skerritt

Two performances of Catalyst Global's original, popular group drumming workshop, Beatswork facilitated by Asia Ability rocked the Singapore Formula One night race for the F1 crowds. It was a "public" event in that the 80 participants were rounded up right there and then from the thousands of F1 fans.

We were in good company as the performers lined up that weekend in Singapore included the Black Eyed Peas, Beyonce, ZZ Top, Back Street Boys and Chakka Khan… not bad support bands for our BEATSWORK! It was a huge hit with the crowd, created good press publicity in Singapore and a fun weekend for the Asia Ability team (with the added benefit of performer passes to the F1 race!!).

Not only is Beatswork the ultimate corporate teambuilding experience it also proved itself as a highly interactive and engaging crowd entertainment.

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