True Colours

Explore personality and cultural difference.

1 - 2 hours
10 - Unlimited


The ‘True Colours’ personality preferences are introduced and explored in an interactive, non-threatening way. The results describe preferences rather than skills or abilities. No type is better than another; each one has its own typical characteristics and represents the differences in the way people prefer to behave.

A variety of exercises are then used to link the theory of the personality colours to practical work examples and typical issues faced in communication. Having information about personality types and preferences can be incredibly useful. Once you understand the basic personality preferences under which people operate, as well as your own preferences, you can begin to find ways to more effectively work with opposite types or even your own type. Through type watching, you can find ways to build upon people's strengths and improve many group activities, such as time management, conflict resolution, problem solving, and teambuilding.

The ‘True Colours’ personality preferences are introduced and explored in an interactive, non-threatening way. The results describe preferences rather than skills or abilities. No type is better than another; each one has its own typical characteristics and represents the differences in the way people prefer to behave. A variety of exercises are then used to link the theory of the personality colours to practical work examples and typical issues faced in communication.

Learning Outcomes


  • The ‘True Colours’ communication program is a tool that helps employees to:
  • Understand themselves and their behaviours
  • Appreciate others so as to make constructive use of different individuals
  • Improve leadership and teamwork
  • See that approaching challenges in different ways can be healthy and productive for the team.
  • Use the insights gained to create new processes and behaviours that will motivate others.


  • The ‘True Colours’ communication program is a tool that helps employees to:
  • Understand themselves and their behaviours
  • Appreciate others so as to make constructive use of different individuals
  • Improve leadership and teamwork
  • See that approaching challenges in different ways can be healthy and productive for the team.
  • Use the insights gained to create new processes and behaviours that will motivate others

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